Category Archives: Product feature Friday!

Product feature!

I have been a busy bee lately! I have been working non stop on improving photos, and offering higher quality goods.

I found a local bead shop called 1 Stop Bead Shop and just about bought the whole store! I found lovely natural stone beads, sea glass beads, and these awesome football and buckeye beads!

Lots more to come!


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Product Feature Friday!

Remember mood rings?! Well, they are back but with a twist! I have owned so many mood rings in my lifetime, but they still blow my mind, like how do they work?

This ring is made with silver wire and a 6 mm color changing bead.

Love this so much! I was so worried when I received the supplies that it wouldn’t work, but it turned out so lovely!

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Product feature Friday!

Here is what is trending in the shop this week!


Now of

No code needed! I’ve realized I have been doing shipping wrong, so as a sort of “hey, I goofed, sorry!” I have decided to offer free domestic shipping!

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