Tag Archives: rings

Product feature!

I have been a busy bee lately! I have been working non stop on improving photos, and offering higher quality goods.

I found a local bead shop called 1 Stop Bead Shop and just about bought the whole store! I found lovely natural stone beads, sea glass beads, and these awesome football and buckeye beads!

Lots more to come!


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Product Feature Friday!

Remember mood rings?! Well, they are back but with a twist! I have owned so many mood rings in my lifetime, but they still blow my mind, like how do they work?

This ring is made with silver wire and a 6 mm color changing bead.

Love this so much! I was so worried when I received the supplies that it wouldn’t work, but it turned out so lovely!

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Product feature Friday!

Here is what is trending in the shop this week!


Now of

No code needed! I’ve realized I have been doing shipping wrong, so as a sort of “hey, I goofed, sorry!” I have decided to offer free domestic shipping!

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Polyvore Love.

I have been on Polyvore for years now, I could waste hours on there. If you haven’t heard of it, it is a website and app where you can create collages called sets with clothing and jewelry items. They also have awesome contests with great prizes where you submit sets around a certain theme! I personally have never won, but fingers crossed!
I recently started posting my rings on there and users have started including them in their sets. It is so cool seeing how girls would style them! Here is my favorite, featuring one of my polka dot rings!

cruella De Vil

Love this so much!
Anyone else on polyvore?
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Hey new friends!

As my first blog post, I figured I would dedicate it to introducing myself. So here it goes, in list form!

  1. My name is Jenn and I’m from Ohio.


    That’s me being a selfie queen.

  2. I am engaged to my best friend and we are getting married next year! (woooooo)
  3. I love making pretty things, and I live for a good DIY project.
  4. I am the owner/maker of Mary & Alice. I make rings out of various types of wire and beautiful colored glass, stone and turquoise beads. Here are some of my favorites!
  5. I have a cat who is literally my best friend. Her name is Ernie and she is poly-dactyl, which means she has extra toes on each paw. She is the sweetest little girl on the planet.


    Just being an angel.

  6. You may be wondering, who is Mary and who is Alice. Mary Alice was my nana’s name and she was always my number one fan. She was a maker herself and she always inspired me to create. I opened my shop in honor of her legacy and passions!

That list could have gone on forever, but I guess I should get back to it.

In this blog you will find DIY projects, wedding planning rants and DIY’s, pictures of my cat (of course), music suggestions and updates on new products that I am working on.

Thanks for sticking around through my “about me” spiel, you’re great!



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